Proud members of the integrated financial group – learn more

For Institutions

Uncover your distinct financial situation and design a
customized, integrated financial plan

Investment policy development

At Gaynes Financial Services, we collaborate with investment committees and boards to create and evaluate investment policy statements, which serve as essential guidelines for overseeing the investment funds under their responsibility. Our expertise and personalized approach ensure that your organization’s financial management aligns with its objectives and long-term goals.

Executive compensation arrangement

At Gaynes Financial Services, we understand the importance of devising strategies to compensate, reward, and retain the key leadership within your organization. Our personalized financial planning services help you develop effective approaches that ensure your top executives remain motivated and committed to the long-term success of your company.


At Gaynes Financial Services, we recognize that determining the optimal balance of risk and return to achieve your organization’s goals is crucial. Our personalized financial planning services guide you in identifying the appropriate level of risk and potential returns that align with your organization’s objectives, ensuring a strategic approach to financial management and long-term success.

Performance monitoring

At Gaynes Financial Services, we recognize the importance of carefully assessing the performance and risk associated with your accounts. Our tailored financial planning services help you identify key factors that warrant special attention, as well as those aspects within your control. We guide you in determining the elements you may want exposure to and those that might be best to avoid, ensuring a comprehensive approach to managing your organization’s finances and fostering long-term growth.

Simplified. Strategic. Smart.

At Gaynes Financial Services, our goal is to help you coordinate the complexities of your financial life. We strive to reduce the stress of managing your money and create enjoyable investment experiences for you in many ways.

but not alone

Gaynes Financial Services Logo

We are proud members of the Integrated Financial Group. Our affiliation with this professional group is invaluable. It gives us access to a network of talented, like-minded financial planners who share strategies, best practices, and advice. Our clients benefit from BrainTrust’s collective expertise and the focused attention they receive from our team at Gaynes Financial Services.