Proud members of the integrated financial group – learn more

For individuals
& families

We Focus Our Attention On Your Needs

Financial Planning

At Gaynes Financial Services, we recognize the importance of a comprehensive financial plan as the foundation for informed decision-making. This financial plan serves as a guide, offering insight into the immediate and long-term implications of your financial choices, while also highlighting the necessary trade-offs to achieve your goals. With our expertise and commitment to understanding your unique financial objectives, we strive to create personalized strategies that empower you to make confident decisions for a prosperous future.

Wealth Distribution Planning

Since the mid-1990s, Gaynes Financial Services has specialized in wealth distribution planning. While many individuals grasp the concept of wealth accumulation, navigating wealth distribution remains unfamiliar territory for most. It’s crucial to recognize that the investment strategies and tax approaches employed during wealth accumulation differ significantly from those utilized in wealth distribution. Our expertise and personalized financial planning services ensure that our clients have the knowledge and support they need to successfully manage their wealth distribution, creating a lasting financial legacy.

Estate Planning

At Gaynes Financial Services, we understand that effective financial planning involves not only determining the optimal allocation of your assets to achieve your goals during your lifetime, but also considering the future impact of your legacy on your loved ones. Our personalized approach ensures that your financial plan addresses both aspects, empowering you to make informed decisions that benefit your family and the causes you care about, even after your passing.

Tax Planning

At Gaynes Financial Services, we recognize that taxes can have a significant impact on your financial well-being. Through diligent planning and an understanding of potential tax implications, we help you avoid unnecessary expenses, thereby increasing your chances of attaining your personal financial objectives. Our expertise in tax strategy ensures that you are equipped with the knowledge to make informed decisions, ultimately optimizing your financial success.

Advanced Portfolio and Investment Analysis

Selecting the right investment avenues for your hard-earned money is an essential component of a successful financial plan. At Gaynes Financial Services, we recognize that not all investments offer the same benefits. Our personalized approach ensures that you fully comprehend the expenses, tax implications, and the spectrum of risks and potential returns associated with your investment accounts. By providing you with the necessary insights, we empower you to make informed decisions that align with your financial goals.

Caring for Aging Parents

As our loved ones grow older, the responsibility of managing their financial and personal care often falls upon family members. Balancing our own financial responsibilities is challenging enough, and adding the care of an aging family member can be incredibly complex and stressful. At Gaynes Financial Services, we assist our clients in navigating these complexities, ensuring a smoother transition as they take on the financial management for those they cherish the most.

Trust Services

Access to Trust Services through The Private Trust Company N.A., an affiliate of LPL Financial

Simplified. Strategic. Smart.

At Gaynes Financial Services, our goal is to help you coordinate the complexities of your financial life. We strive to reduce the stress of managing your money and create enjoyable investment experiences for you in many ways.

but not alone

Gaynes Financial Services Logo

We are proud members of the Integrated Financial Group. Our affiliation with this professional group is invaluable. It gives us access to a network of talented, like-minded financial planners who share strategies, best practices, and advice. Our clients benefit from BrainTrust’s collective expertise and the focused attention they receive from our team at Gaynes Financial Services.