Proud members of the integrated financial group – learn more

Vickie Pond

Client Relationship Specialist

Vickie Pond

Team member since: October 2017

Who you can call when:

You want a friendly voice and a ready ear.

Who’s your Superhero and Why?

Favorite Superhero: Captain MarvelCarol Danvers was a U.S. Air Force fighter pilot and patriot.  Through a mishap during a test mission, she gained the powers of flight and superhuman strength.  She became Captain Marvel, aiding in the creation of the Avengers Initiative, a group formed to battle Earth’s enemies.

What’s the best part of your job?

Working with the accomplished team of Gaynes Financial Services, and the wonderful clients we serve.

What matters most to you?

Living life with a greater purpose and assisting in planning for the financial welfare of family and clients.

a powerful
for good

By helping you coordinate the complexities of your financial life, we can create more time for what matters most and empower you to make an impact in the lives of the people you care about. Take a minute to get to know us!