Proud members of the integrated financial group – learn more


Registered Administrative Associate

Steve Reents

Team member since: 2013

Who you can call when:

You have questions about: accessing your account, account activity, or taking your required IRA distribution.

Who’s your Superhero and Why?

My favorite SuperHero is SupermanHe is strong, fast, and humble.  He is committed to saving the world and is happy to be Clark Kent until needed.

What’s the best part of your job?

Connecting the pieces of a new client’s financial puzzle.

What matters most to you?

Assisting in a realistic financial plan that instills confidence, and bringing that plan to life with my team.

a powerful
for good

By helping you coordinate the complexities of your financial life, we can create more time for what matters most and empower you to make an impact in the lives of the people you care about. Take a minute to get to know us!