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David H. Gaynes


David Gaynes

Team member since: inception

Who you can call when:

You need help looking at a complex situation and want to figure out the best steps towards pursuing your goals.

Who’s your Superhero and Why?

My favorite superhero is Thor!  The reason is that even though he always says he is the greatest Avenger, he is very humble. He and I have a similar sense of humor. The main reason I would like to be Thor is that, at this point in my life, I envy his awesome hair!

What’s the best part of your job?

I have the best job in the world because I get to work with some of the nicest, most caring people I’ve ever met. I am energized by helping people look out for themselves, their families, and their loved ones. I can’t think of a higher calling!

What matters most to you?

Honesty and integrity matter most to me. It’s extremely important in our business for people to have confidence in you – to know that you will do the things you said you would do. I live my life by this code, and so does my team.

a powerful
for good

By helping you coordinate the complexities of your financial life, we can create more time for what matters most and empower you to make an impact in the lives of the people you care about. Take a minute to get to know us!